Custom WordPress Plugin Development to Sync Properties and Reservations with Hostaway


Project Goal

Rest Rentals is a website that provides vacation rentals in various destinations across the globe. The website runs on WordPress and uses Hostaway as the platform to manage their properties.

However, Rest Rentals faced the challenge of keeping their inventory and bookings in sync between Hostaway and WordPress. They needed a solution to automate the data transfer and update process and eliminate the manual work and errors involved.

They approached us with this issue and asked us to develop a custom plugin that would integrate Hostaway and WordPress, and enable them to manage their properties and reservations more easily and effectively.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

Tech Stack

  • CMS – WordPress
  • Integrations – Hostaway
  • Others – JQuery


Rest Rentals needed a way to sync their inventory and bookings between Hostaway and WordPress, without having to manually update the data on both platforms. To achieve this, we developed a custom plugin that used the Hostaway API to integrate the data.

The Hostaway API is a powerful and flexible tool that allows accessing and modifying the properties, calendar, and reservation data on Hostaway. The custom plugin had the following features that leveraged the Hostaway API:

Properties integration: The plugin enabled Rest Rentals to manage their properties on both Hostaway and WordPress from a single interface. The plugin allowed creating, updating, and deleting properties on Hostaway from the WordPress dashboard, and vice versa.

The plugin also fetched the properties list from Hostaway and displayed it on the WordPress website using a shortcode. The shortcode could be customized to show different filters, sorting, and pagination options. The plugin ensured that the properties data was consistent and accurate across both platforms, and avoided any duplication or discrepancy.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

Calendar integration: The plugin enabled Rest Rentals to manage their calendar on both Hostaway and WordPress from a single interface. The plugin allowed updating the availability and rates of their properties on Hostaway from the WordPress dashboard, and vice versa.

The plugin also fetched the calendar data from Hostaway and displayed it on the WordPress website using a shortcode. The shortcode could be customized to show different views, such as monthly, weekly, or daily. The plugin ensured that the calendar data was up-to-date and synchronized across both platforms, and avoided any overbooking or conflict.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

Reservation integration: The plugin enabled Rest Rentals to manage their reservations on both Hostaway and WordPress from a single interface. The plugin allowed creating, updating, and canceling reservations on Hostaway from the WordPress dashboard, and vice versa.

The plugin also fetched the reservations list from Hostaway and displayed it on the WordPress website using a shortcode. The shortcode could be customized to show different filters, sorting, and pagination options. The plugin ensured that the reservation data was complete and reliable across both platforms and avoided any loss or error.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

The plugin used the following Hostaway API endpoints to perform the data integration:

  • Listing API for properties integration
  • Calendar API for calendar integration
  • Reservation API for reservation integration

The plugin was developed using PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The plugin followed the WordPress coding standards and best practices. The plugin was tested for functionality, performance, and security.

Final Words

The custom plugin development for Rest Rentals was a successful project that met the client’s expectations and requirements. The plugin enabled Rest Rentals to sync their properties and reservations between Hostaway and WordPress, improving operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. The plugin also provided Rest Rentals with more control and flexibility over their inventory and bookings.

Here’s what Hostaway is all about:

Hostaway is the leading all-in-one vacation rental software for property managers who want to get more bookings with less hassle. Hostaway provides tools to automate and simplify marketing, sales, communication, operations, reporting, and accounting. Hostaway is different from every other PMS and channel manager because it is flexible and grows with your business. Hostaway is integrated with the biggest and boldest tools in the vacation rental industry, including Airbnb, Vrbo,, Expedia, Marriott, and more. Hostaway is available in any country and has a dedicated and award-winning customer support team.

Custom WordPress Plugin Development

Client’s Feedback

We are very impressed with the custom plugin that they developed for us. It has made our life so much easier and our website more attractive and user-friendly. Their developers were very responsive, reliable, and skilled throughout the project. We highly recommend Webzia Infotech for any WordPress plugin development needs.

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